I make some things, sometimes, or something...
Content. Design. Production.
Storytelling as a strategic tool.
My experience range from working with content, branding, business development, and product design. All from a storytelling perspective. Always aiming to create excitement and engagement to maximise the chances of your message to get across to your audience.
Multidisciplinary Madness🫢
From ideation to production.
💡 Content strategy and ideation.
The right idea and concept is key. From screenwriting, to prototyping, to real-world tests. Exploring the concept properly allows for more value to be unlock in the content workflow.
🎥 Content planning and production.
The content landscape is evolving fast. Capturing orginal content is key, and the possibilites are close to endless when leveraging multiple digital tools to tell your story.
🪄 Design, and post production.
3d animation is key tool in my tool kit. Both as a motion design tool, but also as a prototyping tool. Every project can benefit from that extra quality and value add.
⏮️ "Full stack" content production.
A "Full stack" skill set, from writing, to color grading, results in a better understanding of iteration within the content strategy.
Contact me
Let's make some things, or something 😘
I'm always open to new opportunities and projects. Don't hesitate to drop me an email.
Adobe Package
Maxon One
Pen and Paper
Oslo / Norway
Press Button